Saturday, August 15, 2009


CPS took him from me because, initially, they said they felt that I could not protect the baby from my son. THEY DIDN'T PROTECT HIM EITHER, and my fear now is that the foster mother will retaliate against the kids because this is her livelihood. I didn't hear from any of the social workers on Friday. I did hear from a man who is a "liaison" between social services and I guess me. He said that my written, signed under penalty of perjury statement, had been delivered to all parties. My comment to him was: "do you think they even looked at it?" because they never seem to pay attention to much of anything I say. I just couldn't bear to call and talk to these people on Friday. I should have. I should have been screaming at them and then they would dismiss me as a ranting, raving lunatic, as they did before.

The Assistant Regional Administrator accused me of "fabricating" this injury and retouching the photographs. THAT MAN NEEDS TO LOSE HIS JOB!!! Someone at CPS suggested to my son that I need to have a full mental evaluation because of the stress. And then there is evidence of an injury, written by an assessing nurse in the ER on the night of 7/29/09. Thank God for nurses. I have found them to pay much more attention to detail than a busy ER doctor who didn't stop to think that this occurred earlier and may have been a much worse bruise than what he was seeing that night. No need for something so minor at that point, but who knows how bad the initial injury was. It had been two weeks since I had seen that baby on that day, 7/29/09. And who knows if anything was done about this on Friday. I just couldn't bear to have to speak to any of these people, or leave another unreturned phone call. And it is my grandson's life and that of his two year old half-sister that hangs in the balance. And all of this haunts me every minute of every day now.

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